Keep Your Car From Overheating With These Tips

Keep Your Car From Overheating With These Tips

Car Engine Overheating

There’s nothing better than escaping the heat with your air conditioned vehicle, but what happens when the aircon stops working? Cars are hardworking machines that need proper maintenance to perform at their best. Without it, you could find yourself in even hotter water and paying expensive repair bills. Here is how you can keep your car from overheating.

Keep up with regular maintenance

Prevention is the best cure, and you can stop many car problems from happening before they become an issue. At least once every two weeks, pop open the hood of your car and check the various gauges. Take a look at the engine oil, coolant levels, brake fluid, power steering fluid and windscreen liquid to ensure they are all at the correct measurements. Running empty on any of these can be detrimental to the health and performance of your car. 

Coolant (also known as radiator fluid) is crucial for your car as it helps pull heat away from the engine. If you’re thinking, “what causes a car to overheat?” then remember low radiator fluid levels. If there’s no coolant, your engine could seize up, and parts of the car begin to overheat and meld to each other. If this happens, you need professional and reliable car radiator repairs in Sydney to get you back on the road.

Know when to use your air conditioner

Say you’ve dashed out of your car to do your daily tasks. Your car loyally waits for you in the blistering sun. After a long day, you return to scolding leather and sit in a sauna. It may be tempting to switch the ac on immediately, but consider this; the ac has to work even harder to get the temperature down from sauna to refrigerator. Your car also needs a minute when turning on to ready itself. 

When you take off, pull the windows down and let the wind carry out the hot air. Even if the outside air is hot, it will reduce the aircon’s workload to get your car cool. Another tip to prevent your car from overheating is to consider how you’re driving. Your vehicle needs good ventilation to stay cool, so if you’re in a lot of stop-start traffic, then hold off on full blast air conditioning. If you’re driving a lot, then air conditioning is just fine. These tips may not reverse existing damage or prevent overheating, but they will help reduce your need for a car engine service down the line. 

Try to avoid DIY repairs

If you haven’t dabbled in much DIY car repairs, it may be better to stay that way, especially if you don’t have an experienced individual to lean on. Cars are complex machines that are built in a specific way to maximum efficiency. There are many car repairs that you should not do yourself at the risk of causing even more damage. Leave tasks like changing engine coolant to the professionals who have the tools and experience to get you back on the road.

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